Acrylic painting: Discovery, Inspiration and Technique with Mark Waller : October 19 – 26, 2024

Price 19 - 26 October 2024
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Acrylic painting: Discovery, Inspiration and Technique with Mark Waller : October 19 – 26, 2024

per person

The painting course

Mark is coming back to Fiji for another painting retreat – two years on the trot to a place he loves and values for its rich painting opportunities and welcoming environment. He will once again immerse himself and his class into the inspiration and opportunities of this corner of Fiji. He finds endless excitement and inspiration in the waters of the island – the shapes and shadows of the coral reefs below the water, the abundant fish life and towering coral heads that could be seen when snorkelling and the sweeping views across the bay.

Mark Waller painting workshop Daku Resort Fiji 1

From $2650 - Price includes:

  • Daily workshops with Mark Waller with personal attention
  • Accommodation – choose from our bures at the front (Ocean View bures), or at the back (standard rooms)
  • Meals : breakfast, lunch and dinner – a mix of local Fijian and Indian food and international recipes
  • Excursions:  snorkel on the fabulous coral reefs, bathe in glorious waterfall, revel in the abundant nature of the landscape and experience the rich Fijian culture.

You just need to buy your air ticket and art materials, and leave the rest to us.


Sunset Study Fiji

Painting course

Mornings are the time for the workshop, when Mark works with the class, providing individual attention and tips, and giving class demonstrations. He teaches you how to create the illusion of luminous, bright, tropical water, and helps you discover how that affects coral, sand, sea creatures, rocks and waves.  He shows you how to break down the appearance of water and waves – turbulent murky water, crystal clear tropical water, and everything in between. This immersion is not only limited to the water – we look at the luscious greens and luminous colours of the surrounding tropical landscape and investigate shape and form, colour and life. He demonstrates how to break down an image into manageable pieces, and at the same time begin to take control of the brushes.

Mark will teach you to ask the right questions, and why you should.

Catamarans and sailboats in Savusavu Harbor, Fiji.
Lizzie Connor art workshop 2018 Daku Resort 3
Mark Waller Acrylic painting Daku resort 10_r

Any questions? Drop us a line.

OR BOOK NOW! Prices per person

Choose from the following accommodation options:

REAR BURE Standard room – Twin Share AUD $2650
REAR BURE Standard room, Single AUD $3100
Traveling with non-participating partner (rear bure), AUD $1650 – total for you ($2650) and your friend AUD$4300
FRONT BURE: Twin Share Room , AUD $3050
FRONT BURE: Single Room , AUD $3500
Traveling with non-participating partner (Ocean View bure), AUD $1950 Total for you (A$3050) and your friend: AUD$5000

Please indicate your choice on the booking form in the comments section. We will invoice you for the balance of payments three months before the course.

We ask for a $400 non-refundable deposit to secure your place on the booking form below. If the course does not go ahead and we cancel for any reason, we will refund it in full.

Acrylic painting: Discovery, Inspiration and Technique with Mark Waller : October 19 – 26, 2024

AUD $400



Mark Waller acrylics Fiji workshop

Teacher Mark Waller

Mark Waller grew up on the north coast of NSW, Australia. He has spent his life fascinated and inspired by nature – its light, shade, tone, colour and texture – and its sheer joy. He went to art college in Melbourne in 1988 and has been painting professionally for 30 years. In between the canvases he still finds time to pass on his knowledge of and love for painting.

Mark is an inspirational teacher whose many students love him for his dynamic engagement.  He sets out his own credo as follows:

The process of creating art should lift us up – inspire us; improve our lives, even enlighten us.  And this, in a nutshell, is the focus of my teaching.  Inspiring you to explore new techniques. To improve your acrylic painting processes, tools and workspace. To fill your images with light and life!  And, most importantly, to have fun while you’re at it.

Take some time out for yourself and really explore your love of acrylic painting. Your curiosity about the world will be refreshed.

So let’s get into it! It’s a contact sport after all; let’s chuck some paint around.


Title: Discovery, Inspiration and Technique.  

Dates: October 19 – 26, 2024

Style: Acrylics

Programme: Morning workshops, afternoons free for excursions and relaxing.

Suitability: All levels.

Excursions: Visit to the magnificent waterfall at Vuadomo, picnic at the beach, village visit to enjoy the exciting meke dance.

Food: Mixed menu.

Itinerary:  Arrive Savusavu Saturday. Course starts morning Sunday, ends evening Friday. Depart Savusavu Saturday morning.


About the Course

Mornings are the time for the workshop, when Mark works with the class, providing individual attention and tips, and giving class demonstrations. He teaches you how to create the illusion of luminous, bright, tropical water, and helps you discover how that affects coral, sand, sea creatures, rocks and waves.  He shows you how to break down the appearance of water and waves – turbulent murky water, crystal clear tropical water, and everything in between. This immersion is not only limited to the water – we look at the luscious greens and luminous colours of the surrounding tropical landscape and investigate shape and form, colour and life. He demonstrates how to break down an image into manageable pieces, and at the same time begin to take control of the brushes.

Mark will teach you to ask the right questions, and why you should.

During the week you will discover and develop simple processes to create powerful illusions, including how to:

  • Utilise nature’s perfect imperfections and give your paintings life.
  • Understand the meditative magic of representing tropical water.
  • Discover the patterns in the most chaotic images.

Mark will teach you to look deeply at the world, and revel in the magic that often goes unnoticed.  You’ll take these discoveries and use them to add vitality to your paintings; you’ll  develop a deeper understanding of the capabilities of your paintbrushes and that will allow you to translate that magic powerfully onto your canvas.

Mark’s infectious enthusiasm for discovery, for paint and the painting process will light you up!  Mark’s recent “health experiences” have transformed his view of the world, and he will share these new understandings, helping us all to learn to look at the world as a vibrant, glorious celebration.  This is where the juice in life is.   You will find yourself inspired, motivated and ready to take on your new painting projects with gusto!

Suitable for painters of all skill levels 16 years and over, join Mark in this unique workshop, as you discover how mastering some basic brush skills will transform your painting techniques, and fill your paintings with movement, light and life.There is no pressure on participants to complete a finished piece.  There is however, pressure on Mark, to fill your head with information that will make your paintings better and impact the way you look at the world!  A participant’s job is to observe deeply, and to have fun.  If you’re caught up in numbers though, depending on your pace of work you could expect to finish between 2-5 pieces.  If you want to paint angst, you’ve come to the wrong teacher.  Mark instructs intuitively.  Students will make discoveries, and Mark will respond to the direction the students take.  This makes the experience fun, and follows the same process as making a painting.  It will guide you.

What To Bring

Here’s materials you’ll need to bring.

Paints:  Acrylic– Artist Quality such as Atelier Interactive – 250ml Pots or equivalent

Cadmium Yellow Light

Forest Green

Pthalo Blue

Titanium White

Paints:  Acrylic– Artist Quality such as Atelier Interactive – 80ml tubes or equivalent

Burnt Umber

French Ultramarine Blue

Cadmium Yellow Medium

Dioxazine Purple

Permanent Alizarine

Pthalo Green


3-5 Flat Chisel Synthetic Bristle Brushes in varying sizes, eg 8, 10, 12, 14 + one large house painting brush approx 10cm across

1 x smallish liner brush (size 6)


Your choice of:

4 x Primed Stretched Canvases approx 600mm x 400mm – for daily exercises.

3 x Primed Stretched Canvases approx 600mm x 400mm – for “finished” paintings.

OR a roll of canvas equivalent to the stretched sizes above – with an appropriate sized board to attach it firmly to as you paint + a roll of masking tape and bulldog clips or staples for attaching.

OR 300gsm or higher watercolour paper sheets equivalent size to the 7 canvases above with bulldog clips and a board to secure to easel.

NB:  We understand space/travel could be an issue – bring surfaces as big as you are comfortable bringing.

Mediums: Atelier products or equivalent artists quality

Universal Medium

Unlocking Formula (or a slow medium if you’re not using Atelier Interactive paints)


Water Container (a large one if possible, approx 2-4L – like an old yoghurt or ice-cream container)

Palette – provided

Chalk – one box of coloured chalk

Spray bottle – (to keep paint mobile)

A rag or old towel (like a hand towel size) to wipe brushes on

Palette knife or similar for dispensing paint out of pots.

Folding travel tabletop easel or French easel if you have one.

Daku Resort Savusavu Bay Fiji.

You’ll stay with us at Daku Resort, Fiji.

Accommodation is packaged with your course, and there are a variety of comfortable lodgings available during your stay with us at Daku Resort. Upgrades to your accommodation are available, however, costs may vary with different accommodation options.

Additional Adventures
Water activities at Daku Resort, Savusavu Fiji

What to do in your free time.

We’ve arranged a number of excursions as part of the course (see Programme tab on the menu bar above). We also offer a range of other activities inside and outside of Daku Resort (please note that unless they are part of the programme, some activities, such as massages and those requiring equipment hire, may have additional costs).

Our location : Savusavu, Fiji

A traditional Kava ceremony.
George at Vuadomo

During this week, you’ll enjoy the rich culture and unspoilt nature of Fiji, the place where happiness comes naturally. We’re in Savusavu in Fiji’s North – known as the Hidden Paradise because it really is! We’ll take you out to snorkel on the beautiful coral reefs, to plunge into fresh waterfalls, to visit traditional Fijian villages where you’ll see a deeply hospitable corner of Fiji.

We’ve got a full programme planned – with some spare time to just relax.

The map of the location of Daku Resort, in Savusavu Fiji.

Our accommodation: Daku Resort

We’re located at Daku Resort near Savusavu in Fiji. It’s a small and comfortable resort: you can choose from Ocean View bures, or standard room rear bures.

Ocean View bure

Standard room – rear bure

19 - 26 October 2024
  • Included
    All Workshop Fees
    Dining & Meals
    Lectures & Excursions
    Transfers from Savusavu Airport
  • Not Included
    Alcoholic Beverages
    Equipment & Supplies
    Non-Course Activities
    Travel Insurance
  • Domestic flight to Savusavu
  • 6.00 pm Welcome ceremony
  • 7.00 pm Dinner
  • 9.00 am – 12.30 pm Workshop
  • 1.00 pm Lunch
  • 2.00 pm Tapa demonstration
  • Afternoon: Free time
  • 7.00 pm Dinner
  • 9.00 am – 12.30 pm Workshop
  • 1.00 pm Lunch
  • Afternoon: Trip to Savusavu Town to see local market and shops
  • 7.00 pm Dinner
  • 9.00 am – 12.30 pm Workshop
  • 12.30 Picnic lunch at Devodara beach
  • Return to Daku approx 3.30
  • 7.00 pm Dinner
  • Optional schedule reversal: we may run the workshop in the afternoon so that people who want to dive can do so in the morning. We’ll make a decision on this at the start of the week. If so, there will be a free morning. and the workshop will run from 1.00 pm Lunch. OR2.30 - 5.30 pm
  • 7.00 pm Dinner
  • 9.00 am – 12.30 pm Workshop
  • 1.00 pm Lunch
  • Afternoon: Free time for optional activities
  • 4.00 pm Visit to local village
  • 7.00 pm Dinner
  • 9.00 am – 12.30 pm Workshop
  • 1.00 pm Lunch
  • 7.00 pm Final Fijian dinner
  • Fly from Savusavu back to Nadi
  • International flight home

Tour Location

Daku Resort, Fiji
Paradise Courses is hosted at Daku Resort, which is in Savusavu, Fiji.